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    Processing Associate (Property and Casualty)

    Philippines. Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines

    Processing Associate (Property and Casualty)

    • 202406943
    • Philippines
    • Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines
    • Closing on: Feb 28 2025


    The Role

    • Managing personal work quality & delivery to meet or exceed the assigned targets for performance within their Skill Group, including
      • Customer Service scores/ratings
      • Quality Metrics?
      • Productivity

    Skills Group 1 Processor:

    • A Processor in Skills Group 1 should be proficient in the following activities and effectively and accurately undertake this work as requested by the Market Lead or MSM?
      • Auto ID issuance
      • Basic midterm renewals
      • Cert Holder Clean-Up - for small to mid-sized accounts
      • Basic certificate renewal - for small to mid-sized accounts
    • Proficiency in these activities is supported by training in the following:
      • Completion of Basic Training including Willis Towers Watson 101 ¨C An Introduction to P&C Courses (National Alliance) and passing the required test?as outlined in training plan and performance expectations?
      • System training including EPIC & Certificates on Demand (COD)
      • Cert Holder Clean Up training
      • Renewal training - AID & Certificates account complexity 1 and 1.5

    Skills Group 2 Processor:

    • A Processor in skills group 2 is fully competent in performing the below tasks, no supervision or support required as requested by the Market Lead or MSM for account ranging in account complexity 1-3:?
      • Auto ID issuance
      • Midterms - regardless of size or complexity
      • Cert Holder Clean-Up - regardless of size or complexity
      • Certificate renewal - regardless of size or complexity
      • AID Renewal - regardless of size or complexity
      • New account/client set up - regardless of size or complexity
      • Research Issues, handle escalations and resolve complex account inquires
      • Provide support to answer questions and transfer knowledge to less experienced processors
    • Proficiency in these activities is supported by training in the following:
      • CISR courses on a journey to certification.
    • Regardless of Skill Group, a Processor will need to demonstrate the following abilities:
      • Working knowledge of COD with the ability to:
        • Set up accounts
        • Renew accounts
        • Issue Auto ID and certificates
      • Actively pursues identifies and seeks support for opportunities to improve the current processes, services and ways of working
      • Self-motivated and self-directed personality that doesn¡¯t require close supervision providing guidance on daily work?
      • Ability to work effectively under stress and deadlines
      • Strong interpersonal & team collaboration skills?
      • Effective communication skills in working with peers, leaders, clients, and others across the organization


    The Requirements

    • 4-Year College degree in Business, Management, Finance or equivalent.
    • Minimum of 2 years work experience in Property and Casualty Insurance.
    • Ability to multi-task and work under pressure.
    • Demonstrated proficiency in MS Office
    • Excellent communication skills
    • Strong analytical skills (details and accuracy oriented)
    • With reliable and stable wifi connection at home
    • With BPO backend | data entry experience preferred.

    91±¬ÁÏ is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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