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    Radar Modeling + Actuary

    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

    Radar Modeling + Actuary

    • 202500414
    • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    • Fermeture le: Feb 10 2025



    • Build and maintain new and existing Radar pricing models.
    • Maintain pricing tools for account pricing and portfolio steering.
    • Participate in development and update of Actuarial databases through formula development, research on methodologies, and collaboration with technical teams.
    • Identify data issues requiring specialized actuarial attention.
    • Support monitoring, pricing and portfolio management projects that will assist underwriters and management in managing and steering business.
    • Handles numerous data and reporting requests relating to regulatory, rating agency and financial reporting needs.
    • Maintains key reports and dashboards to support proactive claims monitoring and loss control initiatives.
    • Support the launch of new products and expand the capabilities of existing products.


    • Undergraduate or advanced degree preferred
    • Must have minimum of 5 years of actuarial experience
    • Must have minimum of 2 years of experience in Radar
    • A demonstrated track record of consistently exceeding performance expectations
    • Strong analytical and problem solving skills
    • Well organized and able to meet deadlines
    • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, VBA, Word and PowerPoint)
    • Excellent communication (both written and verbal) skills
    • Comfortable working in a team setting or independently

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